Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Khai Ther.

Today's a sad day. A very very sad day for everyone who knew a boy named, Lai Khai Ther. How did this happen?? Why? Well, there's just no point of running questions over and over again in your mind. It's just his time to leave and step-up to a much better place. The moment I got the text message that you were gone, tears streamed down my face. We've bumped into each other for a gazillion times in school. You've seen me. I've seen you. Even though I don't really know you well or I'm not one of your close friends, I hope you rest in peace.

We all prayed.

And, are still praying,

For you to just smile,

Wherever you are.

Everyone's missing you and I bet you already know that.


( The Unexpected always happens. )

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