Wowowow. It has been sooooo long ( too too long) since I've written here! I hope you guys excuse the lack of posts. YES! I do have excuses. Reasons. Whatever you people call it. MY first? OfCourse, homework gets the first prize! Tuition classes gets the second spot and the last goes to exhaustion a.k.a. tiredness a.k.a fatigue a.k.a weariness? Okay! Enough with the synonyms and get on with what's happening/happened. Well, that's the problem. Soo much happened I don't even know where to start. *thinks*......( for 3 whole-minutes)
All kinds of
ridiculous rumours are going around about me. I was pissed at first but then Oscar Wilde's quote crossed my mind.
''The worst thing than being talked about is not being talked about.
Other than being trashed, blogged about by a girl who obviously has too much free time on her hands and has no idea what to do with it, everything's the same. Listening and noddin' my head to Justin Bieber's One Less Lonely Girl and my head's spinning with thoughts. One of the thoughts wobbling here and there is Gaga's Grammy Outfit! I don't know about you guys but I think it's a win! I loved the colour and the weirdness of the dress! It was soo, Gaga? =)
Designer : ARMANI.

Cool, eh?
Reminiscing memories. Missing my cousins sooo much! Love you guys!
V-day's coming soon. Min, be my date?..Hahaha. Anyways, I'll try to write as often as I can. No promises! Take Care. =)
( Eclipse, June! )